Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Sorrows of Whiskey River

dream sequence: a man is walking down a dim lit hallway,
calling out "Don."..."Don"? then he reaches a doorway and
opens it, which causes a look of horror to cross his face. before
he awakens with a gasp.
(end of sequence.)

Part 1.

int: a low level hotel room where whiskey and his
lady companion are lying together before he awakens
in cold sweats, panting.

Whiskey : (gasping for air.) shit! motherfucker.

Woman: ya alright whiskey?

Whiskey: (running hands down his face as if to clear
the images from his mind) Yeah Doll, Yeah. I'm alright.

Woman: another nightmare?

Whiskey: (looking at her briefly before returning his
stare to the floor.) yeah.

The Woman raises up, resting her back against the
headboard of the bed and lights a cigarette.

Woman: You know, you really oughtta see someone
for that.

Whiskey: what do you mean, "see someone?"

Woman: you know. like a shrink.

Whiskey: (turning to look at her incredulously)
A shrink? I don't need any damn shrink, and I
damn sure don't need any advice from a whore.

Woman: (face clouding with hurt, and anger. puts on
her clothes) Fuck you Whiskey, this is the last straw
and I mean it this time.

Whiskey: (smiling cruelly) ok darla. see you next

(as shes exiting the room, a scruffy, bearded man
in a tie-dyed t-shirt enters the room and appraises
the woman walking away)

Rob: hmm. having a little lovers spat I see.

Whiskey: shut up rob. what do you want?

Rob : (grinning) oh you know. win the lottery,
a warm sunny beach in Cancun, and a woman
for each of these manly arms. (flexing non existent

Whiskey: (smiling) you aren't right Rob.

Rob: (laughing) I know man. I know.
so. ready for another beautiful sunny day
in service to your community?

Whiskey: No, not really, but fake it till you
make it right?

Rob: there you go! they teach you that
in A.A.?

Whiskey: you know it rob. i've picked up
many a pearl of wisdom from my time with
the anonymous ones.

Rob: (looking at the empty fifth of jack
daniels whiskey) yeah. yeah I see that.
come on man, we're late and Roys pissed.

Whiskey: (letting out a sigh) when is roy NOT
pissed rob?

Rob: When youre at work on time and actually
working I guess. so...never?

Whiskey: (putting on a shirt and grabbing
his cowboy hat) fuck you rob.

(exit the room)

end scene.


act 2

Roy and Rob stop at a miraco gas
and pull up by the pump. A pretty
woman with black hair and blue
eyes can be seen looking out the
window at them. her gaze centered
on Whiskey. Whiskey looks back
at her briefly before looking at the
gas pump.

Whiskey: well. looks like Tim has
some new blood working for him.

Rob: Yeah. that's his Niece. Marjorie
Anne. Don't get any ideas now Whiskey.
she's mean as a rattlesnake. and has
a kid.

Whiskey: (adjusting his cowboy hat)
hell Rob. I love kids.

Rob: yeah. you're a real Mr. Rogers.

Whiskey: (walking towards the
store. mutters behind his back) Fuck
you Rob.

Rob: yeah. glad we had this talk.
I'm moved by your gentle ways.


Act 1 scene 3 INT: The Store.

Rob and whiskey enter the store.
Rob heads over to the chip aisle, 
as Whiskey walks up to the counter 
in front of Marjorie Anne.
M. Looks at him appraisingly for 
a moment, then snorts derisively. 

Whiskey: (grinning foolishly) mornin 
Ma'am! Haven't I seen you around here 

Marjorie: (another snort) wow. You 
Really pulled out all tha stops with 
that one. 

Whiskey: (still grinning) yep. Sorry .
but that's the only pick-up line I got. 

(Exaggerated Southern Accent.) But
My Mortal Heart is starved for words 
to express the way you make it stutter.

Marjorie: (laughing in spite herself 
and also using an exaggerated Southern 
Yeah well, yer buddy back there in the 
Potato Chip aisle might grab your dear old
Heart a slim jim iff'n ya ask real nice.  

Whiskey: (clutching his chest, and feigning 
a look of shocked disbelief) My oh My, 
Forgive me. I was unaware I was in the 
presence of a fellow poetry aficianado. 

Marjorie: Yeah. 
Oh Romeo: "Let me count the ways.." 
I can get you the fuck outta my godamn 

Whiskey: ouch. That one cut a bit.  
But naw. I'll get out of your 
hair now. Just gotta fetch my buddy. 
Oh (grabbing money out of his pocket 
and sets it in the counter.) 
20 on pump 1 plz. Ma'am and thank ya. 
(Yells behind his back at Rob.) 
Hey Rob! I'll be outside pumpin the 

