Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Jade's chpt. 3

 Chapter 3

Thomas was the lead engineer at Robi-Worx and the youngest as well. After receiving a scholarship, he attended the Massachusetts School of Technology where he graduated with honors. His mother always knew how gifted Thomas was and she was evermore proud of how much he achieved.  Unlike many businesses, they graciously granted Thomas a work from home status for the time being so he would have flexibility to work between his mother’s appointments.

“You’ve reached Alex, I can’t answer the phone right now. Leave your message at the beep.”

“Hey it’s Thomas, if you have time to meet me at Marcellia’s, I’m going to be finishing up work for the day around 6. I know it’s short notice but I hope to see you there, I have something I want to show you.”

Thomas dashed around to get ready as soon as he submitted his updated project to the design team. He was working on a state-of-the-art AI model that would help humans with every-day tasks. The day couldn’t go by quick enough once he’d found those letters which he grabbed in a hurry on his way out of the door.

After arriving at Marcellia’s. he ordered his usual. It was his favorite when he was young and he needed something comforting. Although it was 2040, this restaurant was stuck in the 1960’s, Katherine had always been drawn to it’s style.

“Okay Thomas I’m here, you sounded animated on the phone, what’s this about?”

Alex sat down in the booth across from Thomas.

“I found these letters, Alex. Letters from some man named Stephen.”

“Okay, do you know who he is?”

“Not very well, I remember meeting him once when I was young. We were on a vacation in Tennessee.”

“Well, what do the letters say?”

“I haven’t gotten there yet; I was hoping you’ll sort through them with me. They seem incredibly personal. It seems this guy meant a lot to my mom, there are dozens of letters in this box.”

“Sure, I don’t mind. I’ve got time right now.”

The waitress approached;

“Hi there, can I take your order?”

“Well, you did ask me out to dinner didn’t you Thomas?”

“Alright, no need to twist my arm, you go first.”

Thomas and Alex began sorting through the letters as they waited on their food. Thomas in his well-organized fashion had a pen and notepad for each of them to write descriptions about what each letter said, even though without the other half they didn’t make much sense. They had carefully summarized each letter and put each summary with its corresponding letter.

“Okay, it’s been 2 hours and I’m getting awfully tired Thomas. I have to work in the morning, call me when you’re done sorting through the letters.”

“Thanks for your help, Alex. It means a lot.”

Thomas left 15 minutes later, leaving a $50 tip for the waitress. Katherine had always taught him it was rude to hog someone’s booth, and to pay for it if you do.

Once he arrived home, he sorted through the mail he’d left on his desk earlier that day, in it was a sealed letter from Stephen Hennessee. Thomas chuckled when he saw that it came from the great state of Tennessee, he thought to himself what a name that was to live in that state.

Katherine's Letter

 September 10th 2040

Dearest Cousin,

I know I haven’t written in a long while, my apologizes to you for that. I’ve been in a severe fog of depression. I have some difficult news to share with you and I fear this letter will be our last correspondence as my energy dwindles down by the day. I have been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. It is very aggressive and has spread to other organs in my body.

I’m sure you can imagine how difficult this has been on my son, Thomas, considering his father passed just a few years ago. He has been so wonderful to me during this time. He is such a bright and grounded young man. Of course you know that, he has been gifted since his childhood. He’s been helping me put my affairs in order. I only wish he could have known more about my life - I just found it too difficult and tragic to share and now the legal processes and my doctor appointments have driven me to exhaustion, so I don’t do much else but sleep. When I dream, I see a beautiful white door before me. I know my time will be soon.

I am going to be cremated and grown into the most beautiful maple tree, just like the one that lived outside of the window of John and my first home. Birds will nourish their young there and when my leaves die in the fall I will give a bright red shelter to the next generation of pollinators.

If this is the last time we speak, just know that all the days of the rest of your life I will be with you. In the breeze, on the wings of butterflies and I will pelt you with pennies to remind you there is richness in the future. Please have a drink of red sparkling grape juice to celebrate when I pass on, for old times sake. I am going to be home soon, I’ll finally get to meet Jesus. All my love to you Stephen.

Warmest Regards,

Katherine Ann

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Outline/jade's novel

 Kind of like a back and forth , this was my vision, let me know how you feel

Chapter 1-

Calling hours of Katherine. Stephen doesn't yet know she's passed away. Katherine sends the final letter at the beginning of the chapter. Thomas (Charlie) finds a box of letters but doesn't have time to read and gets ready for work

Chapter Two- 

Katherine goes to her aunt's house and discovers her NPE status. She writes after 15 years to Stephen. 

Chapter 3

Thomas receives a final letter from Stephen, and gets in touch with him to invite him to the planting ceremony of his mother. (I'm still writing the chapter but I want it to talk more about him and his friend Alex cleaning out his mothers house.) (I think I may have him write that to Stephen as well as inviting Stephen up to stay at his mothers house)

Chapter 4

Katherine will talk about how school is going, and the meetings with the newfound family

Chapter 5

Stephen writes back (all of this will happen within the month) letting Thomas know he will be taking him up on his offer to stay with him. 

Chapter 6 

Discovery of the other biological sister and things beginning to go south

Chapter 7 

Thomas and Stephen will finally meet in person, perhaps at the air port or bus. Stephen should be bringing a few works with him that he has written along with Katherine's letters. 

Chapter 8 

Katherine writes about how she has been talking to her elder sister quite frequently and she's turning back to God heavily. She asked for God to show her where she was wrong. Begins to miss her father Robert. Asks how Stephens wife has been doing. 

That's what I have so far. The part with John and Katherine will come later as her life starts to look up.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Another attempt at Life's Cosmic Jazz

Title: The Cosmic Jazz of Life: A Kerouacian Musing

In the rhythm of existence, the beating heart of the universe echoes a strange melody—a cosmic jazz that improvises and dances to the tune of time. Life, a surreal blend of chaos and harmony, unfolds in unpredictable rhythms, like a never-ending jazz jam session that captivates the soul and boggles the mind.

Jack Kerouac, the wandering poet of the Beat Generation, understood this enigmatic symphony of life all too well. He roamed the highways and alleys of America, seeking meaning in the pulsating cadence of the universe. With words that flowed like jazz notes from a saxophone, he painted vivid pictures of a world in constant motion, where every moment was a new verse in the grand epic of existence.

Life, like jazz, is an odd sort of cosmic dance—a fusion of dissonance and harmony, of highs and lows, of light and shadow. It is a journey through the ever-changing landscape of emotions, where joy and sorrow intertwine like the melodies of a sax and trumpet duet. Each note played in the grand cosmic jazz band of life carries with it the weight of experience, the depth of emotion, and the promise of possibility.

As we navigate the twists and turns of our own personal jazz odyssey, we come face to face with the profound truths and mysteries of our existence. We grapple with the eternal questions of meaning and purpose, of love and loss, of creation and destruction. And in the midst of this existential improvisation, we find ourselves lost in the music of the universe, swept away by the rhythm of our own heartbeat.

But as the jazz of life plays on, we cannot escape the inevitability of its tragic melody. For in the midst of the joyous cacophony of existence, there lies a haunting undertone of melancholy—a reminder of the impermanence of all things, the fleeting nature of our earthly existence. Like a mournful trumpet solo that pierces the soul, the melancholy of life's transience hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over our fleeting moments of happiness and beauty.

And so we are left to ponder the cosmic jazz of life in all its complexity and contradiction. We are left to grapple with the enigma of our existence, to dance to the rhythm of our own heartbeat, knowing that in the end, the music will fade, the lights will dim, and the final curtain will fall.

J. Stephen.H.

Jung/synchronicity pt. 2

Synchronicity: A Minimalist Exploration

Carl Jung, a pioneer in the field of psychology, introduced the concept of synchronicity - the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained by traditional notions of cause and effect. In his work, Jung delves into the deep interconnectedness of seemingly unrelated events, proposing a more holistic understanding of the universe. Synchronicity challenges our linear perceptions of time and causal relationships, inviting us to consider the underlying unity of all things.

Jung's exploration of synchronicity begins by acknowledging the limitations of conventional scientific explanations. He argues that there are instances where events occur in perfect harmony, without any discernible causal link. These moments of synchronicity defy rational explanation and point towards a deeper, more mysterious order at play in the universe. By recognizing the existence of synchronicity, Jung suggests that reality is far more complex and interconnected than we previously thought.

The concept of synchronicity also raises questions about the nature of reality and our place within it. Jung proposes that synchronistic events are not mere coincidences, but rather manifestations of a collective unconscious that transcends individual experiences. This collective unconscious serves as a vast reservoir of archetypal symbols and patterns that shape our perceptions and interactions with the world. Synchronicity, therefore, acts as a bridge between the personal and the universal, revealing the underlying unity of all existence.

Jung's concept of synchronicity challenges us to move beyond a purely materialistic view of the world and embrace a more holistic perspective. By recognizing the interconnectedness of all things, we can begin to see patterns and connections that transcend our individual experiences. Synchronicity invites us to pay attention to the subtle signs and symbols that guide us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

In conclusion, Carl Jung's exploration of synchronicity offers a minimalist yet profound view of the interconnectedness of all things. By acknowledging the existence of meaningful coincidences that defy conventional explanations, we open ourselves up to a more expansive understanding of reality. Synchronicity challenges us to see beyond the surface of events and delve into the underlying unity that binds us all together