Thursday, August 10, 2023

JK I Turned out Fine

 If I'd known you 


like I know you now,


of hidden your keys 


dumped all the alcohol 



I'd known you then 


I know you now I'd 


all my secrets to 


Keep them locked 


tight under my belt.

If I'd known you then 


I know you now,


have studied a law 

book harder

So I could run from 

you farther.


I'd have known you 


like I know you now

wouldn't have spent 


much time crying over 

lost time.

I'd certainly say: 

I turned out fine.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The WIndow Watcher.

The Window Watcher.

I wonder
you know

I sit on
window seat in
my street..

Staring on past
Canadian geese

the pond.

(the last thing
my life to yours.)

Soul has
repulsed me,


got to
see what
it was,

and that
have to endure

years worth

like the


I watch now

the towns-people
the water fowls

they duck their

into the water
only crumbs

like the bits

you'd show
to me..

only to ride

high upon
the horror

my life was.

(Only true
enjoys seeing
beings in pain.)

-Jade Katherine-


 Title: The Breakdown of Communication and Its Effects on Literacy in American Society


Effective communication is the cornerstone of a thriving society, fostering connections, understanding, and growth. Unfortunately, in American society, the breakdown of communication has become a significant concern, with far-reaching consequences for literacy. This essay aims to explore the effects of communication breakdown on literacy in American society, highlighting key aspects and potential solutions. 


1. Technological Advancements and Their Impact:

   In an era of rapid technological advancements, communication has evolved significantly. While the digital age has brought numerous benefits, it has also contributed to a breakdown in meaningful communication. The prevalence of abbreviated text messages, social media platforms, and digital distractions has led to a decline in traditional literacy skills, such as reading comprehension, critical thinking, and effective writing.

2. Diminished Verbal Communication Skills:

   The rise of digital communication has led to a decline in face-to-face conversations. As individuals rely more on text-based interactions, they lose opportunities to develop and practice essential verbal communication skills. This can result in difficulties expressing oneself effectively, limited vocabulary, weak listening abilities, and reduced comprehension of spoken language.

3. Shortened Attention Spans:

   In an age of information overload, individuals are constantly bombarded with stimuli competing for their attention. This constant distraction has led to shortened attention spans, making it challenging for individuals to engage in deep reading and sustained focus. As a result, the ability to comprehend complex texts and engage with nuanced ideas is compromised, impacting overall literacy levels.

4. Misinformation and Critical Thinking:

   The breakdown of communication has also facilitated the spread of misinformation. With the ease of sharing information online, false or misleading content can quickly gain traction, eroding trust in reliable sources. This proliferation of misinformation hampers critical thinking skills, as individuals struggle to discern fact from fiction. Without strong critical thinking abilities, literacy suffers, as individuals are unable to analyze and evaluate information effectively.

5. Solutions and Mitigation Strategies:

   Addressing the breakdown of communication and its effects on literacy requires a multifaceted approach. Here are a few potential solutions:

   a. Promoting Media Literacy: Educating individuals on how to critically evaluate and analyze information from various sources can help strengthen their literacy skills.

   b. Encouraging Face-to-Face Communication: Fostering environments where face-to-face communication is valued can improve verbal communication skills and enhance comprehension.

   c. Balancing Digital and Traditional Literacy: Emphasizing the importance of both digital literacy and traditional literacy can help individuals navigate the digital landscape while maintaining strong foundational literacy skills.


The breakdown of communication in American society has had significant repercussions on literacy levels. Technological advancements, diminished verbal communication skills, shortened attention spans, and the spread of misinformation all contribute to this issue. However, by promoting media literacy, encouraging face-to-face communication, and balancing digital and traditional literacy, society can mitigate the adverse effects and work towards a more literate future. It is crucial to recognize the importance of effective communication and make concerted efforts to address the challenges posed by the modern era.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

are we living in the matrix?

Are We Living in The Matrix? Exploring 

Jean Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation":

In the realm of philosophical inquiry, few questions captivate the imagination as profoundly as the possibility that our reality is a simulation, akin to the famous "Matrix" portrayed in the eponymous movie. Jean Baudrillard, a prominent French philosopher, delves into this idea in his essay "Simulacra and Simulation." This essay aims to explore Baudrillard's theories, examining the concept of simulacra and its implications for our understanding of reality.

Baudrillard introduces the notion of simulacra, which refers to the copies or representations that have no original referent. According to him, contemporary society is inundated with simulations, where the distinction between what is real and what is a reproduction becomes increasingly blurred. He argues that we have reached a point where the simulation precedes and supersedes reality itself.

In the context of the Matrix, Baudrillard's theories gain relevance. The film portrays a world in which humans are unknowingly trapped in a simulated reality, designed to keep them unaware of the true nature of existence. This parallel aligns with Baudrillard's concept of hyperreality, where the simulated becomes more real than reality itself. The Matrix, in this sense, represents the epitome of simulacra, blurring the lines between the authentic and the manufactured.

Moreover, Baudrillard proposes that simulations can produce a state of hyperreality, where the distinction between reality and representation dissolves. He argues that our contemporary society is saturated with hyperrealities, such as Disneyland or Las Vegas, where the experience is divorced from any authentic referent. These hyperreal environments create a sense of simulation that permeates our perception of reality, raising the question: Are we living in a hyperreal world, detached from any genuine experience?

Baudrillard's theories also shed light on the rise of digital technology and virtual realities. With the advent of immersive technologies like virtual reality and augmented reality, our interaction with the world becomes increasingly mediated. These simulations, while designed to enhance our experiences, further blur the boundaries between the real and the virtual. Could it be that our reliance on technology has brought us closer to living in a hyperreal world, where the simulation becomes indistinguishable from reality itself?

It is important to note, however, that Baudrillard's ideas are not without controversy. Critics argue that his theories lean towards pessimism and overlook the agency and complexity of human experience. They question whether the concept of simulacra can fully capture the richness and diversity of our reality. While Baudrillard's theories provide valuable insights, it is crucial to approach them critically and consider alternative perspectives.


In contemplating the question of whether we are living in the Matrix, Jean Baudrillard's theories from "Simulacra and Simulation" offer intriguing avenues for exploration. The concept of simulacra challenges our assumptions about reality, urging us to question the authenticity of our experiences. While Baudrillard's ideas may not provide definitive answers, they compel us to engage with the complexities of perception, representation, and the ever-evolving relationship between the real and the simulated. Ultimately, the question of whether we are living in the Matrix remains open, inviting us to ponder the nature of our existence and the boundaries of our reality.

Essay on indoctrination

 Title: The Difference between Indoctrination and Education: Fostering Critical Thinking in Schools


Education is the foundation of a thriving society, equipping individuals with knowledge, skills, and the ability to think critically. However, a growing concern arises when education drifts into indoctrination, potentially stifling intellectual growth and hindering the development of independent thought. In this op-ed, we delve into the distinction between indoctrination and education, emphasizing the vital role of critical thinking in schools.


1. Defining Indoctrination:

Indoctrination is the process of instilling specific beliefs or ideologies in individuals without encouraging critical examination. It often involves the promotion of a singular perspective while discouraging questioning or dissent. Indoctrination limits intellectual growth and perpetuates a narrow worldview, hindering the development of well-rounded individuals.

2. The Essence of Education:

True education, on the other hand, is rooted in the cultivation of critical thinking skills. Education should encourage students to analyze, question, and evaluate information independently. It empowers individuals to seek knowledge, understand different perspectives, and form their own informed opinions. Education fosters intellectual curiosity, enabling students to navigate an ever-changing world.

3. The Importance of Critical Thinking:

Critical thinking is the cornerstone of a well-rounded education. It equips students with the ability to question assumptions, evaluate evidence, and form logical arguments. Critical thinkers are less susceptible to manipulation, better equipped to navigate complex issues, and more likely to contribute positively to society. By fostering critical thinking skills, we empower students to become active participants in their own education and the world around them.

4. The Role of Schools:

Schools play a pivotal role in nurturing critical thinking skills. They should provide an inclusive and intellectually stimulating environment that encourages open dialogue, diverse perspectives, and respectful debates. Teachers should act as facilitators, guiding students to think critically, challenge assumptions, and ask probing questions. By emphasizing inquiry-based learning and teaching students how to evaluate sources of information, schools can equip future generations with the tools they need to thrive.

5. Balancing Knowledge and Critical Thinking:

While knowledge acquisition is essential, it must be complemented by the development of critical thinking skills. Education should strike a balance between imparting foundational knowledge and fostering independent thought. By encouraging students to question, analyze, and evaluate the information they encounter, we empower them to become active participants in their own education.


In a world inundated with information and competing ideologies, the distinction between indoctrination and education becomes paramount. Schools must prioritize the cultivation of critical thinking skills to ensure that students emerge as well-rounded, independent thinkers. By embracing critical thinking, we empower individuals to engage with the world, challenge prevailing notions, and contribute to the betterment of society. Let us strive for an educational environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, encourages open-mindedness, and equips students with the tools to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Jades Work

 They say time is like a barbed- wire fence, too many years pass by and its hard to get over it. I often wonder if your intentions behind being kind to me was to trap me in your snare. Oh how many years could the wool have been pulled over my naive set of eyes. I imagine the longer you stay in the position you're in the harder it is to escape the walls that confine you. 

While I shrink myself now, terrified of what time reveals and how all this may play out I enjoy the small open space that I now have to play in. Carefully I plant a garden and build a home on a field free of land mines. There are no threatening voices or screaming in my head any longer. They say power is a wonderful thing but I wonder how that power is working out for you now. You've made many an enemy with your screaming and shouting and emotional blackmail. What's even more beautiful is the peace that comes from a life well lived and sprinking seeds of love where ever you go. While I may have gotten addicted to the chaos and excitement your presense brought to my life, you taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned. I can now be self- aware of the space that I take up when I enter a room and share the microphone with other people.


I wonder if you know I sit on a window seat in a house on my street

Staring on past the Canadian geese swimming in the pond, the last thing that connects my life to yours

Although your soul repulsed me I'm thankful I got to see what it was and that I didn't have 15 years worth of you polluting mine like the city pollutes the pond

I watch as the towns-people feed the water fowl bread and they duck their beaks into the water until there's only crumbs left

Crumbs, just like the bits of attention you'd show to me to ride off your leftover high of hearing of the horrors my life was

Only true evil enjoys seeing human beings in pain


On Saying A Heartfelt Goodbye, For Now.

I didn't take account for how much time we were going to be alloted, but looking back I cherish each second that has passed hoping that it was also enough for you to make the decision to find me when life is a little less busy, hard, and demanding. 

I yearn for the day when you have the freedom to know my heart and what lies in it, for it is one that does not take but pours out love freely.

You are thought of all the days of my life, as if you were my own, and I thank the lord God above for gifting me the time I had with you even though it has slipped from my hands as if it were sand from the dunes of Saudi Arabia.

I urge you to cherish time, it is the only thing we have to spend that we cannot make more of. At the end of our lives we grapple with our decision to waste such a precious thing worrying about such simplistic things like how giant our bank accounts are, or what we have in our closet. Some of us even regretting a decision we made that didn't have much of an effect on our lives at all - but is that really true for i've been told that each decision of ours has a ripple effect that could spread a million miles wide and elevate or deteriorate lives all around us. 

We could have been an inspiration for generations of people searching for unity with the ability to go against a common enemy, but for now we pass time, leaving the door open for what may one day be something, but we must wait and see, taking each day hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second and just let time slip away until one day we have the power and can say we won't lose another millisecond staying out of one another's lives.
